Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fiber Fiber Everywhere!!

So I set a goal on Feb 1st, that my fiber storage area would be completely cleaned out and empty by shearing day in May.  My new assistant, Maria, and I have been furiously working on skirting, grading and deciding what I will be doing with the fiber (yarn, sock yarn, rug yarn, felted sheets, rugs etc).    Since I set that goal, we have managed to get through 200 pounds of fiber!!!  No small task considering there was 2 snow storms, a lost weekend to absolute freezing temps and Maria only works PT on the weekends!

The best part is that I already shipped all this out and we have already skirted through about 40 more pounds to be going out next week !!

We do a huge yarn business both with commercial yarn and our farm yarns, so I am excited that we have this much out for processing because I am booking events like mad and am hoping that we get into the Rhinebeck Sheep and Wool Festival in October.  We have a hard time keeping our farm yarn in stock as it is a local favorite!!

Shearing is May 21, and with approx 800 more pounds to go  - I think we can do it !!!

Interested in looking at some of our yarns? Click the tab above marked  "store" to view and purchase our products.

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